In today’s crowded digital marketplace it is not enough to simply have an active website. Businesses need to have a website that is actively generating leads and conversions. But many small business owners are still stuck with websites that are little more than place holders on the world wide web.
While a website may give your company some degree of presence on the internet, it will do little to actually generate the leads your business needs to remain successful. Fortunately, there are some easy to implement on-site optimization tricks that can help turn lackluster websites into lead generating machines.

#1 – Include a Call to Action on Every Page

This is perhaps the most obvious lead generating tip, but it deserves repeating. Many people mistakenly feel that including a call to action on every page of their website appears overly pushy to the average customer. But it is important to provide easy access to your lead generating forms, otherwise potential clients may simply scan your website and bounce back to their initial search results.
Place your call to action and “request for quote” forms above the fold, or use a pop-up feature to get the visitor’s attention. Remember not to ask for too much personal information, as this can put off potential leads. Simply asking for a name and email contact should be enough in most cases.

#2 – Testimonials

Testimonials from satisfied customers help to build trust, and indicate to first time visitors to your business’ website that your company is dedicated to providing a quality service. If possible, include photos with each testimonial, to put a face with the review. If your website can stretch to the necessary bandwidth, consider allowing customers to post video testimonials as well.

#3 – Trust Seals and Security

Trust seals indicate to clients that a website is secure, and that the privacy of their customers is protected. This is particularly important for e-commerce sites, and displaying a respected trust seal on your website can help you you generate leads and turn them into conversions. There are a number of different trust seals, including Norton’s Verisign, TRUSTe, Thawte, and McAfee Secure. In order to receive a trust seal, you will have to meet the authorizing firm’s stringent privacy and security protocols. However, privacy and security should already be one of your primary concerns, and the customer trust that is engendered by a trust seal is well worth the effort.
Tip:  A great solution to both obtain a site seal and for added SEO benefits is to create online accreditation.

#4 – Keep Your Messaging Clear and On Point

Generating leads depends on presenting a clear and motivational message that is designed to grab the customer’s attention, and to keep them interested in your site and your product. Concentrate more on speaking to your customer’s needs, and less on talking about your company and its history. Potential customers are visiting your site as a response to a desire or a problem, and you can generate more leads if you address those needs directly. Keep your copy direct and to the point, and employ action verbs like “get” or “learn” to engage the customer’s desire. Show your potential customers that you have the answers, and the product, that they have been looking for.

#5 – Keep Your Website Simple

Too often business owners judge their website on looks alone, and fail to consider their visitor’s online experience. Where websites are concerned, less is more. Keep your website simple, with clean lines and plenty of negative space. Don’t force too much information on a single page, that includes video, text and links. Too much visual information can easily be confusing, and can cause visitors to your site to bounce back to their original search result. Keep your site’s layout simple and easy to navigate. The longer a visitor stays on your site, the more likely they are to convert into a valued customer.

#6 – Responsive Web Design

More and more people are surfing sites on mobile devices. Responsive web design allows your site to display accurately over a wide range of devices, and ensures that important messages and calls to action are never hidden from view. Embracing responsive web design now will pay off in better leads, and improved performance in web searches. It should be noted, however, that responsive web design isn’t an easy fix, and will require a redesign of your existing website. That being said, it is the wave of the future and the sooner businesses adapt to responsive web design the better their position both online and in the real world.
In many ways generating leads is the main purpose of a successful website, and should be a primary concern for any business. These tips will help small business owners tweak their websites to increase their lead generating potential, which will ultimately lead to more conversions and a stronger customer base.